Thursday, August 6, 2015

#TBT: My Life In VOGUE Video - Candace Marie Stewart

Video - Candace Marie Stewart

When I blog, I try to be an open book.  I want others to see that I am just as human as anyone else. When making this video I wanted to express myself and be as transparent as possible.  My message is simple.  If you have a dream, goal or ambition - strive for it.  Don't let
anyone or anything stand in your way.  If I would have let others dictate my life I would still be in Arkansas today.  I moved to New York because I have a goals.  Have I fully accomplished all my goals?  Not at all, but I am definitely a lot closer.  

If this video inspires you please share! 

I am so honored for my video to be featured on  The amount of love I've received from so many people around the word has been beyond amazing!


  1. So inspirational girlie!!So proud of you!

  2. Candace I am so proud of you for getting out of AR and following your dreams! I am so happy that I can say "I knew you when" LOL Don't forget about us little people :) lol. Keep up the great work girl, you look fab!

    1. Thanks Denicha! and I will never forget lol! You all are big people in my eyes! ;)

  3. Candace, this was incredibly awesome! Inspirational, motivational, and heart wrenching. Remembering you as a 3 yr old toddler, and watching you grow up, and to see you grab THAT THING you always dreamed of....PRICELESS!!

    Proud of you!!!

  4. So inspirational. Just shared it on my blog.
    Keep it up.
    xoxo, m

    1. I just went and looked at it! Thanks so much for the love doll!

  5. I'm so proud of you and look forward to seeing more!

  6. Man maadd respect fam!!! Im proud to see one of our own making their way to the top!! I literally can say "I remember when.."
    Cant wait to see what else you have on your mind

  7. You are very inspirational, It's great to see a young person go to NY from a small town, and not only dream but pursue her dream through a lot of hard work (Perseverance) and not sit on the side waiting for someone to hand it to you. May God continue to Bless you! I am Very Proud of you and your Endeavors!

    1. Thanks Ms. Pat!! I can't wait to do so much more and every word of encouragement is helpful! :)

  8. I love your video!! So inspiring!!! You are definitely making a statement with this video and in that you have to be persistent in your goals. You are young and you have accomplished things already that takes some people a life time to accomplish! Keep thinking and dreaming BIG!! God will continue to give you favor with man and place you before great men!

    Proud of you Fashion Guru!!!!

    1. "Fashion Guru" - I'm going to have to steal that one lol Thanks so much!! :) :)

  9. You are a true inspiration.
    Love how fearless and driven you are.
    So PROUD of you!

    Carey, FWTW

  10. Thank you so much Carey! Women like you keep me going! So happy that I could reach you through my video. :)
